Pain, muscle stiffness, excessive fatigue are just some of the disturbing symptoms that may indicate the phenomenon of overtraining the body. More and more often overtraining occurs among people who engage in physical activity both at the amateur and professional level. So let’s analyze your exercise system and provide the body with the right rest.
What are the reasons for overtraining the body?
Overtraining is a phenomenon that usually results from long-term, chronic fatigue. It may lead to a number of disorders with a neurofunctional basis, as well as a significant reduction in both mental and physical fitness. Inferior adaptive abilities of the organism contribute to the fact that it becomes difficult to undertake physical exercise.
This often results in lowering sports results and disturbs training progress. It may refer to people practicing recreational sports, but much more often overtraining affects athletes at the professional level. The imbalance between training and recreation is so big that it leads to a significant reduction in the players’ fitness. Therefore, it should be remembered that the leisure process including, among others, biological regeneration is extremely important and reduces the risk of the phenomenon of overtraining the body.
The reasons for overtraining are not clearly defined, but there are factors that can greatly influence the occurrence of this phenomenon. In addition to too frequent workouts with a high load, overtraining contributes to, among other things:
- monotony of trainings and pressure from the coach or club activists;
- inadequate training in terms of methodology;
- lack of faith in coaching skills;
- inappropriate, unprofessional mental and physical care of the player;
- long-lasting training overload;
- overloads related to professional work;
- inadequate amount of sleep;
- improper diet and nutrition;
- financial difficulties;
- convalescence after injuries;
- the use of drugs and prohibited means;
- too fast increase in training load;
- no time to rest;
- no time for biological renewal.
What are the symptoms of overtraining the body?
Symptoms of overtraining the body are generally difficult to determine, due to the fact that there is a dispute about the reasons for their occurrence. In the event that a significant reduction in physical performance is noticed, special attention should be paid to:
- tiredness – which can be felt all the time (before training, after training, after rest, it is indicated here the feeling of falling from strength);
- heavy training – training, which until now seemed optimal, creates a problem and appears to be heavy and heavily burdening the body;
- delayed muscular pain (sometimes called “soreness”);
- muscular stiffness;
- weak motor function;
- insomnia at night;
- emotional instability;
- distraction, discouragement;
- permanent occurrence of disease symptoms (fever, cold feeling);
- frequent injuries;
- increased resting heart rate;
- weight loss;
- disturbance of interpersonal relations;
- states of anxiety;
- small training engagement;
- small will to fight;
- depression;
- decrease of vigor.
What to do to avoid symptoms of overtraining?
There are a number of rules that can easily reduce the risk of the phenomenon of overtraining the body. However, remember:
- proper planning and organizing training;
- ensuring proper rest;
- adequate rest and recovery time;
- avoiding excessive fatigue;
- periodisation of training (division, location in time of specific assumptions);
- avoidance of training monotony;
- reliable check-ups at the sports doctor;
- recording training loads;
- proper cooperation of the players with the trainer and the whole training staff;
- leading a hygienic lifestyle;
- providing psychological assistance to the player;
- help in financial and living problems;
- properly balanced diet.
How to deal with overtraining?
In the event that the body is overtrained, the procedure consists mainly in removing factors that favor its occurrence. To get rid of the symptoms of overtraining in the best and the fastest way:
- ensure adequate rest, preferably in an active way (swimming, walking);
- reduce training loads;
- temporarily change the environment and climate;
- use the means used in biological regeneration (relaxing massages, sports massages, water baths, radiation, sauna, swimming pool);
- use a well-balanced diet;
- use psychotherapy treatments;
- supplement the training with loosening and relieving exercises;
- remember to hydrate the body properly before, during and after physical activity;
- provide the right amount of sleep;
- avoid stressful situations.
Picture Credit: scottwebb