It’s by no means “new” news, but the case of Hillary Clinton and her continued unwillingness to seemingly cooperate with …
Hillary Clinton Presidential Nominee Governmentally Incompetent?
There’s a grace political and public debate currently going around as to whether or not governmental policy incompetency was demonstrated …
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Numerous States Legalized Medical Hemp in 2012 Election
The 2012 election made for quite a night for those who are in favor of medical hemp. In fact, it …
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Puttin pledges to spend more on defense while Obama wants to cut defense spending
MOSCOW – With less than two weeks until elections, Russian Prime Minister and presidential candidate Vladimir Putin pledged to spend 23 trillion …
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Who is the best Singer: Obama or Romney?
You will be a judge or
Is it a Good Idea to Ban Use of Welfare Debit Cards At Strip Clubs?
Imagine that. You work hard to pay taxes which suppose to help our fellow Americans while they are on welfare …
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Can iPhone 4S be Used in Negative Ads?
Wondering whether Gingrich or Apple has approved this iPhone 4S commercial yet.
Rick Santorum talks about social issues on The O’Reilly Factor
Rick Santorum talks about social issues on The O’Reilly Factor