Herbal Grinders – Important Addendum to Vaporizers


A well known fact that people are getting more and more health conscious and NGO’s have played a big role in educating the people about health. It goes to the credit of these NGO’s who have spread awareness about the ill effects of smoking and fast food. More and more people are switching to organic and vegetarian foods. There has been a welcome change in the attitude of conventional medical practitioners who had often labeled herbal and alternative medicines as pure quackery and a science which is based on unscientific base. One trend which has been seen is the switching of chronic cigarette smokers to herbal vaporizers.

If you happen to be one such person who has switched from smoking cigarettes to herbal vaporizer, there is one more thing which is a must with any herbal vaporizer. It is the herbal grinders.  A grinder is needed to grind the herb into a coarse powder so that it can be spread evenly in the heating chamber of the vaporizer and heated to give you the best vapor with all the beneficial ingredients of the herb. A coffee grinder will also suffice. However do not over grind the herb. The consistency should be even, resembling a coarse powder about the size of sand grains. Remember to hydrate the herb and it should be soft and supple and must not be dry as a bone. This is particularly true, if you are using a marijuana vaporizer as it will produce a misty vapor which you will just love to inhale.

After grinding the herbs in herbal grinders and hydrating the herb, it must be loaded in the heating chamber. Heat the vaporizer to the recommended temperature. Often manufacturers of the vaporizer suggest the temperature setting for a particular type of herb. In present times most of the high quality vaporizers are equipped with digital thermostats which are more sensitive and accurate.

Once the herb has been heated to the recommended temperature, what remains is to place your mouth on the mouthpiece and cherish the vapors with all the goodness of nature. Herbs after they are heated slowly change into brown color. Never reuse the herbs which have turned brown and must be discarded.

Vaporizers are a very good investment and a number of health benefits can be accrued with its use. However do not forget to get herbal grinders also to grind the herbs to optimize the use of the vaporizer.

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