It is considered that seat capacity is quite enough for every passenger traveling. But many a time, it does not seem enough. This is so because, the armrest between the seats creates a problem, mostly for obese or people on heavier side on the weight scale. Like every other problem, this problem also has a solution as armrests can be lowered.
If you fit into a seat without impacting the person beside you but your seatbelt does not meet, signal to your flight attendant. They see this situation often and will discretely pass a seatbelt extender to you. It may be embarrassing but not so much as being asked to fasten your seatbelt and drawing attention to your struggle to make ends meet.
If you choose to ignore seat capacity issues, be warned that your flight attendant can require you to purchase a second seat or have you removed from the plane if as much as one inch of you is experienced by your neighbor.
Airlines strive to provide a seat for all paying customers but they are under no obligation to provide adjoining seats. Naturally, they will strive to set traveling companions together if possible, especially when small children are onboard. No one wants to babysit someone else’s little one for the duration of the flight. However, children old enough to travel alone may be required to sit away from parents. This is probably more traumatic for parents than children.
If the child (or adult) is afraid to sit apart, ask a gate agent to solicit for a volunteer to change seats. If no one steps forward, a flight attendant will make an appeal for a kind hearted passenger to trade the seat he reserved in advance. If not, the flight will be a growth experience for both of you.
Aisle seats are by far the most popular seats. Folks with claustrophobia do not feel as crowded in aisle seats. Aisle sitters must remember to keep their elbow, knee, and foot tucked in their own space when there is traffic in the aisle, including the refreshment cart. Window seats are a close second, especially on long flights.
Many of us nod off like babies in a back seat as soon as the plane levels; the window seat wall is a great place to lean instead of nestling your head on the shoulder of the stranger seated next to you. A survey of business travelers revealed the most popular in-flight pastime is gazing out of the window. The tops of clouds offer spectacular viewing.
Bulkhead seats are usually reserved for the day of departure assignment as they are close to the front and perfect for disabled passengers who might not have been able to reserve a closer seat. The drawback is there is no seat ahead of you under which to stow your belongings.
The promised land of aircraft seats is the exit row. An exit row aisle seat is a rear end’s mansion in the sky. Exit row seats have additional legroom because the area between the exit row and the seat ahead has to be wide enough to accommodate passengers escaping through exit doors. Exit row dwellers must agree to assist in the case of an emergency by opening the doors.
After knowing about the capacity of seats available on flights, it will be easy for you to choose your most preferred one depending upon your weight, with which you are traveling (old age people or children) and considering many other factors that may affect you. For more information on which seat will be best for you, call at Easyjet contact number and get the detailed information on the same.
Picture Credit : Hiljon