While many dieting experts, professionals, and researchers alike rely heavily on a formula known as the Body Mass Index or BMI to identify obesity with it’s patients or customers, it’s important to take into consideration other possibilities and factors related to effective weight loss or unhealthy fat (weight) gain.
For one, as of recent research through a U.S. Study, individuals with waist-focused fat (or ‘centralized fat’), at a ratio of 0.85 or more for women and at least 0.90 for men, up to 30% of these individuals were more prone to earlier death, cardiovascular failure, and other obese-related mortality. According to these tests and studies, women with a waist line greater than 34.6 inches and men at more than 40.2 inches were considered to be ‘centrally obese’ by definition. Therefore, in many of these common instances seemingly deeming effective ‘weighty loss’ efforts helpless or otherwise impossible for those that were considering themselves ‘skinny’. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), they too have acknowledged that it’s possible for an individual to be ‘centrally obese’ so to speak, or otherwise suffer from common-symptomology related pitfalls similar to those who are otherwise considered to be ‘obese’ by definition per the BMI formula and it’s own official (WHO), scientific criteria.
People unfortunately get the idea that if they feel, appear, or per the BMI calculator are considered ‘average weight’ or skinny that they are safe and healthy. This is not always the case, because centralized fat is actually a reflection of poor dieting and fitness. In fact, scientifically speaking, when individuals begin an adequate workout routine and reputable dieting program the stomach or ‘central fat’ is one of, if not the first location in which experiences weight loss or otherwise fat depletion—which is of course very desirable for anyone pursuing effective weight loss strategies or programs! With that being said, it’s worth considering the reality that someone with targeted, unusual amounts of fat in one area could be considered by definition ‘obese’. This research in of itself opens the door and potential for new forms of obesity to be considered, and new appropriate weight loss plans or goals to be put into place by medical professionals and researchers.
While continued research is necessary to identify the ‘true’ causes of obesity, it’s pertinent that any and all potential variables are always taken into consideration, as each individuals diet, genetics, and fitness habits (or lack thereof) can vary greatly. With a lot of today’s research and studies pertaining to weight loss and centralized weight gain, it’s important to take into consideration scientific-variables not otherwise available or neglected, since this research and these studies or statements in particular have not been (completely) accredited or researched alongside of an internationally recognized institution such as the World Health Organization (WHO). For anyone serious about weight loss it doesn’t just stop at fitness and dieting. For example, supplemental nutrition is also commonly a factor, as many people don’t intake anywhere near the recommended amount of daily nutrients and vitamins. It’s also worth noting any medical conditionals or medically-related obstacles that might otherwise make it difficult for an effective weight loss regiment to be successful. Sadly, in America alone, according to statistics provided by the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 1,400 people die annually from obese related conditions —prospectively not to exclude ‘centralized obesity’ or unnecessary and unhealthy fat around the waist line.