University of Vermont recently conducted a research study where linking eye color and alcoholism grabbed a lot of eye balls. The study was published by researchers in a US medical journal. It was based on aspects of neuropsychiatric genetics mentioning the possibility of light colored eye people’s higher tendency of alcohol consumption. Compared to those with darker eyes, these people may grow higher dependency on alcohol consumption.
Based on genetic database, researchers conducted their study which included participation of over 10,000 people. According to some reports, all the subjects were formerly diagnosed by at least a single psychic illness inclusive of depression alongside drug or alcohol addiction. To conduct the study, scientific researchers selected a sample featuring 1263 Europeans-Americans out of existing database. It revealed that light colored eye participants were likely to suffer high alcohol dependence compared to dark colored ones. Blue eyed individuals had the most powerful tendency of alcoholic dependency.
There is a need for more research but link within eye color and alcoholism is seemingly genetic. The study discussed that genetic elements determining eye color are on the lines of similar chromosomes as genes connected to high alcohol abuse. The same connection of eye color and alcoholic behavior was explored in a Georgia State University’s research study. During their research, scientists gathered male subject sample from state prison inmates of Georgia. In case of female subject, they collected data from the database of Bureau of Labor Statistics.
As aforementioned in study findings, the outcomes revealed a certain relation between alcohol and eye color. The hypothesis marked that lighter eyes were very closely linked to alcoholic abuse and use. Researchers came across two different genes in different studies which are connected to alcoholic abuse. During the year 2014, scientists working for Scipps Research Institute stumbled upon a strong connection between a gene (Neurofibromatosis) and alcoholic abuse. This research also involved the use of mice and came out in a psychiatric journal.
As per reports published in a genetic journal, another study related GRM3, a genetical mutation to various mental illnesses and alcoholism. There are researches suggesting the connection of alcoholism to genetics. However, the subject and topic remains an active point of debate and controversy. There was a research study conducted in 2015 which also throw light on this intriguing connection. Research Society on Alcoholism’s study claimed that genetics play a role in contributing to alcohol. However, this genetic component can be highly influenced by some socioeconomic components.
People aim for a healthy living and alcohol over doze is just the opposite end. There are some UK based researchers suggesting the use of lysergic acid diethylamide and similar range of psychedelic drugs for treating various mental disorders. It is known to profoundly impact brain activities leading to overall improvement in mental state and moods. However, there may be some side effects of the same in form of paranoia and anxiety. The scientific communities have addressed their concerns and showed interest in coming up with ways to treat depression and alcoholic abuse.
Image credit: Richard Thomas