If you’re thinking about adding a new vaporizer to your collection or simply replacing an old one, you should definitely consider making your selection the WISPR Vaporizer. This product is made by IOLITE and offers a completely portable and completely stylish way to enjoy vapor in the comfort of your own home. It’s unparalleled in design and features. But more than anything else, this product is simple and straightforward to use, which is often lacking from competitor’s vaporizers.
The design of this product was truly a collaborative effort between IOLITE, Thing Tank, and Sequitur Creative. The WISPR Vaporizer is designed for the future and has a modern look to it. Though it still possesses the elements of the original IOLITE that made it great, this new item constitutes a true revamp with considerable emphasis placed on functionality that coincides with form. Now, there’s no reason why your favorite vaporizer has to look anything less than amazing.